Sunday, January 1, 2012

Giving Thanks

2011 has been a year of growth spiritually for me. God has stretched me in new ways and opened my eyes to areas that I have previously been blind. I find myself reflecting on the year with one thought ringing in my head. Thankfulness..... I head into 2012 wondering what God has in store for me. It is my prayer that I will accept the cup that he gives me and that through him I would be able to serve others.

Matthew 7:7-8

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.


  1. It's interesting that as I read this and see the word "cup", I tend to think of hardships or trials. But the cup may contain good things as well. One thing is for sure, whatever that cup might contain, knowing that Christ is right there as well is all that a person needs to rely on or understand.... that, and that the hand that gives it, hands it off with more LOVE than we can imagine. Thank you for this post, Patrick. It's given me a lot to consider. By the way, I love the photo's rich and wonderful texture.

  2. Beautiful image! I too pray that I can learn to be a servant. That's not my strong suit. The intention you've expressed here is good model.

  3. Valerie, thank you for your comment. I really appreciate your perspective and thought process.

    Debbie, I think you are a good servant, you probably just don't see it as the way you serve others seems natural to you. I can verify that you have blessed me and my family greatly.


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