Sunday, July 29, 2012



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A friend of mine blogged about the Root and Foundation on his blog:

I recommend clicking on the link and giving it a read.  I have included the post below.  My thanks to Teague for his thoughtful post.

The Root and Foundation

An excerpt from my notes on the feasts of Israel
            Sacrifice, of some kind, was required with the observance of every feast under the old covenant.  The types and amounts of animals varied from feast to feast but generally there was a burnt offering and a sin offering.  The main purpose of a burnt offering was to be “an aroma pleasing to the LORD” (Lev. 1:9, 13, 17).  For this offering, the entire animal was burned on the altar.  The sin offering was made to make atonement for the people (Lev. 4:20, 26, 31, 35).  These offerings had to be made during every feast because of Israel’s continuing sinfulness.  They could not relate to God or participate in His feasts unless sin was dealt with and God was satisfied.
            Jesus’s one sacrifice was sufficient for all time and beyond.  On the cross He fulfilled every burnt offering and sin offering pictured in the Old Testament. In Him, there is no need for repeated sacrifice.  Why then is the cross pictured at every feast through the offerings that were commanded?  It is because our participation in any aspect of Christ depends on the cross.  We can only be united to His resurrection if we are united to His death (Rom. 6:5).  Sharing His anointing depends on His atonement.  And God couldn’t tabernacle or dwell in us unless His temple was destroyed and raised in three days (John 2:19-22).
            It isn’t just that the cross is a first step that we have to start with.  We cannot move on from the cross any more that a tree can move from its root or a building from its foundation.  This is why, even in the type, the Lord keeps the cross continually before us.  It is as if He is saying, “If I hadn’t died you would have no part in me” (cf. John 13:8). 
            Since the cross is the bedrock of all God has done, we must keep our feet on the ground of it, especially as we know Jesus in the more exalted aspects of His life.  Christ, our risen, anointed King still has His wounds.  The Holy Spirit must mark us with the cross in such a way that we never leave the wounds of Christ, even as we experience the freedom of His resurrection, the power of His anointing, the authority of His crown.  In fact, we must see His wounds as the source of everything else that we experience in Him and learn to value them as the headwaters of spiritual life.  If the cross is not ever before us and hasn’t indelibly marked our hearts, we will have a false sense of where God’s life, power, authority, and blessing come from.  We will think these divine things come because we are spiritual, and because God is rewarding us for “doing it right.”  But if we experience any spiritual life and power, it is only because we are in Christ who died on the cross to make our participation possible.


  1. Patrick, this is cool. Love the painting. Since the posts are related, I embedded your painting in my post :) Thanks for sharing!

  2. Awesome. Love to see that we are in sink even when we are 250 miles apart.


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