Things often feel crazy, unpredictable, even out of control. It is during those times that I am most thankful for a deep rooting in Jesus. Several times this week I have had to grit my teeth and remember who I really work for. As a Christian I am called to represent my creator, not just on Sunday, but each and every day as I walk out my life. The word of God is food for my roots and has allowed me to rejoice even in times of stress and conflict.
Thought to ponder: What are you rooted in?
Colossians 2:6-7
6 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
I love the truth & the art in this post. It reminded me of something God shared with me out of Colossians: "We are told to deaden our members that are on the earth. It was through our members we related to this fallen world. But no more, 'For you died' (Col 3:3). The members, the medium of our sinful intercourse with the earth, were cut off. Like broken roots, they are powerless to draw the earth into us, powerless to hold us down in it. We are free, free in Christ and above. We no longer have members that drink sin from the earth. We ARE members of Christ: one body drawing one life from the one God."